Who I Am
As a professional, international Psychic Medium Clairvoyant, seeing, sensing, hearing and communicating with spirit is part of the natural environment to me and I have had these gifts since my childhood.
I can bring you messages that will give you clarity and helpful direction in your daily life. Whilst I am psychic, the emphasis of my work is as a spiritual medium, making connections with, and delivering messages from, those who have passed over. I act as a channel between the Spiritual plane and the Earth plane. As my testimonials demonstrate a reading can help empower you to make healthy decisions and choices for your life, as well as provide answers and offer reassurance. I want to share my gift to help you and others understand there is more to life than we know.

I have provided accurate personal information to people about themselves, others and their passed loved ones. I have given firm evidence of spirit to numerous individuals and groups, in Europe, USA and Australasia.
On a number of occasions I have been a contributor at the internationally renowned Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, England, the world's foremost college for the advancement of spiritualism and psychic sciences.

New Zealand
Here in New Zealand I have used my abilities to provide readings, perform demonstration work and lecture for various exhibitions, churches and private groups. I have an honest, direct and positive approach to helping people through my gift of spiritual contact.
The wonderful people I have had the privilege to read for over the years, both here in Wellington and throughout New Zealand, have given me great reward. Their positive comments and return visits are evidence of their satisfaction.